A Little About Us
What is a Nazarene?
The Nazarene Church was born out of the desire to see the love of God, that had grown cold in some churches and believers, be fanned back into a flame of devotion. So just over a hundred years ago, God raised up some people calling themselves Nazarenes that pointed the church back to this Holy Love. We are one stream feeding into the larger river of the historic Christian faith. Our church is part of the 2,000-year-old Christian movement that has transformed the world, and it all started with one man.

Actually, it started with the unique God/man that history knows as, Jesus of Nazareth. We believe in the ancient Christian faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). Our church family is part of the promise that dates all the way back to the beginning of time when God created all things, but then sin entered-and completely disrupted what God had made. God did not abandon us, but instead promised to send One that would bring forgiveness, healing and new life. We believe that He made good on that promise by sending Jesus, His Son, to be with us, teach us, heal us, and ultimately to die for our sins so that we could receive this forgiveness and transformation.
Jesus began a movement that has spread from Jerusalem to every corner of the earth. We are a part of that new life movement, and want to invite you to be a part of it as well. Most people have heard that, “Jesus died for your sins.” Even for those that rarely or never attend church, the cross is a familiar symbol-but many have no idea if it means anything for their lives. At New Beginning, we believe it not only has something to do with our lives, but it is a central part of who we are and what we are to be about. So, for the last 2,000 years this movement has grown and transformed the hearts of many that will believe its truth, but there have also been times that the church has grown indifferent in its love for God. The Nazarene Church was born out of the desire to see the love of God, that had grown cold in some churches and believers, be fanned back into a flame of devotion. So just over a hundred years ago, God raised up some people calling themselves Nazarenes that pointed the church back to this Holy Love.
This calling to be part of the renewal of God’s church has been a distinction of ours from the beginning. We believe that God is making us more than just a group of “patched-up sinners”, instead He has made a way for us to be, not only forgiven, but also to be transformed into a holy people by His Spirit. We come together to worship, pray and learn about this amazing God that can forgive, cleanse and mold us into a new creation. And from this new creation comes a group of people that want to live out what it means to be Christlike disciples who are committed to love and action. We are being built up together to be a place that God dwells by His Spirit, and continue the 2,000-year transformation that is bringing new life and hope to our community and world. We invite you to come and join us on this exciting adventure as we seek to understand and live out the purposes and callings of our part in this great story of restoration.